Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
208 of !paid duties required in thankfgiving. but the infiruments of God, or afcribing the good things we have either to our good fortune or to our own induflry or worthineffe, maketh men unthank- full unto God. For faithleffe men, as when they de- fire any good thing which they want do not Peek unto God, fo having obteined their defire they do not return praife unto him, but afcribe the good thing which they have either to blind fortune with profane Atheifis , or to their idoles with idolaters and Papifls, Hof. 2.5, 8. or elfe re fl in fecondary caufes as the principali, and preferre the tool before the workman,Ifai. i o.i g'. or attribute it to their own means and induflry, and fo facrifice to their net, Hab. I. 16. or laflly to their own- wifdome and worthi- neffe, as if they were gods to themfelves, Deut.8. 17, 18. 4.Agratefull The fecond thing is a grateful! eftimate and a eftimate Gods ben- right p rizin g of Gods benefits , as well when we fits. have them as when we want them. But ungratefull men lightly efleem the benefits of God when they have them, which they greatly defire and highly prize when they want them. The which is moll ufuall in ordinary blefïings : The benefits of health, of peace, of liberty, the fpirituall food of Gods word, &c. we make no reckoning of them when we have them;but carendo magi s quárn fruendo,by want- ing rather then enjoying them we learn rightly to prize them: and God many times bereaveth men of thefe benefits that by the want they may learn right- ly to value them, and to be thankfull unto him for them. Our duty therefore is, not to extenuate Gods bleffmgs, but with thankfull acknowledge- ment
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