Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

of fpeciali duties required inshanksgiving 20q ment rather to amplifiethem,in refped ofthe great- - neffe of them, the excellency, the profit, the com- modioufneffe, the neceffity, the fufficiencie ; faying with the Pfalmifl, Pfal. r 6.6. acknowledging alfo therein Gods wifdome, power, goodneffe, fatherly providence and bounty towards us ; being perfwa- ded that he doth all things well,Mark 7.37. and that by the gracious difpenfation of his goodprovidence he caufeth all things to work for our good, Rom. 8. 28. They therefore are unthankful! who either ex- tenuate or lightly efteem the benefits of God ( which, as I faid, is ufuall in ordinary bleffings) Num. 1 r.6. or, which is worfe, do take in ill part that which God hath done for their good, Dent. r. 27. which is ufuall in the fatherly chaflifements and croffes which God layeth upon us for our pro- fit, Heb. r 2.'10. But who is wife and will ohrrve theft things, even he fhall underfland the loving kindne f fe of the Lord, Pfal.1o7.43 And as we are thankfully to acknowledge Gods S. An goodneffe towards us, fo alfo we are humbly to ac- knowledge.; ment ofour knowledge our own beholdingneffe. Which we beholding- fhall the better do if to the acknowledgement of nerve. Gods goodneffe we fhall adde the confideration of our own nullity in our felves and our own unwor; thineffe. For firif, if we confider that we carne naked into the world in refpea of temporali bleflings,and void of all fpirituall goodneffe, we will acknowledge that what good thing foever we have we are be- holding unto the Lord for it: Job r. Naked we came into the world, and naked we f hallo out of it : for what P have