Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

of thegenerall nature of prayer er invocation. when we pray,to lift up our hurts with our hinds unto God in the heavens, as Jeremie fpeaketh Lam. 3.4 r. So much of the name. In the definition the nature of Invocation is fet or t á forth : both the generali, which Logicians call the rule oiPry- genta; and proper, in that which is called the di. ffe- er. rence. The generall,in that I call it a religious fpeech. For of religious fpeech there are two fpeciall forts: the one of man unto man in the name of God and in the Read of Chrif ; which is preaching : the other of man unto God in the name and mediati- on of Chrift ; which is prayer or invocation: And both of them fomewhere in the Scriptures are ex- preí'fed by one and the fame name of prophefying : which forPreaching is ufed, i . Cor. ¡4.3,4.and elfe- where for Invocation, both in the fenfe of praying, I.Kings 18.29. with 26. and of prayfing, l.Chron. 2 5. 1,2,3. Firíl, I fay, it is a fpeech. And becaufe, the religious fpeech is the chief fpeech which we can ufe, therefore as preaching is called Sermo, fo prayer is of the Latines KA' o w' called ()ratio. But where I fay prayer is a fpeech, you are to un- derhand, that whereas. there is a twofold fpeech, óW ó tim:,00s, outward and inward,the inward being allo called ; drx&kEr, or ch«' 1eß, a fpeech conceived in the mind : the outward , w Imo ?a , or 2regpvx3s, a fpeech uttered with the voice : prayer is not the out- ward fpeech chiefly or onely, but the inward of the foul ; either alone , when in prayer the voice is not ufed, as Gen.24.45 Exod. z 4. r 5. 1. Sam. r .13. and is called oratio mentalis, which is ufuall in me- pfhr.5.r. critation, and is fometimes fo called : or chiefly B 2 when 3