Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

,11 ,6 'of fpecial! duties required in Thanksgiving have we that we have not received? 1. Cor. 4. 7. and that by the grace of God we are that we are, I. Cor. 15. IO. 6. An ac= But fecondly, if we adde thereto the confiderati- knowledge- on of our unworthineffe by reafon of our finnes, by ment of our unworthines which we have deferved the plagues of God in this life and eternall damnation in the life to come, we (hall be thankfull to God in all eftates,acknowledg- ing that he hath not dealt with us after our faines, nor rewardedus according to our iniquities, Pfal. I 03. I o. In time of diftreffe we íhall acknowledge his great bounty that we are not confamed, Lam.3. 22. and fo be thankfull for his privative bleffings. And for the pofitive, if we have any (as we never are without force, more or leffe) we will acknowledge with Jacob, Gen. 32. 1o. that we are leffe then the leaft of his mercies .But if in (lead of heaping his judgements upon us which we have deferved, he multiply his bleffings which we have not deferved in the leaf degree, how are we then to acknowledge our own unworthineffe with David, I. Chron. 17. 16. and 29. 14, T5.': True humility therefore is the mother of thank - fulneffe : But pride contrariwife maketh men un- thankful' , perfwading themfelves either that they have not fo much as they are worthy of, and fo are difcontented that they have no more; or that what - foever they have is to be afcribed to their own wor- thineffe, wifdom e or firength, Deut. 8. 17. Ifii. io. 13. which is to make themfelves Gods; Ezek. 2 8.4, 5, 6. Dan. 4. 3o. Now this acknowledgement of Gods goodneffe and 7. Humility the mother of thankful - neffe. 8. joy and rejoycing.