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of fpecìall duties required in Thankf iving. x r r and our beholdingneffe, if it be effetuall as it ought to be, will work upon the heart that it (hall be gratefullyaffeó` led with the fenfe of Gods goodneffe and bounty towards us, caufing us to love God and rejoyce in him, and to be obfequious towards God in all duties of thankfulneffe. For upon this fenfe and acknowledgement of Gods goodneffe towards us wherewith we are affected, followeth alacrity and chearfulneffe, which is the fecond inward duty required in thankfgiving. For as the Lord loveth a chearfull giver, fo a chearfull thankfgiver : and as x.tif, thanks,cometh of Pte, which is, to rejoyce, fo x.cípts be g, .tepl. with joy, Phil. 1.4. Jam. 5. 13. If any man be merry, let hies fing Pralines. The holy Ghoft in many places hath joyned them together ; as Pfal. 9.2. and 33. I. and 81. i. and 92.1, 4. and loo. 1,2, 4. and therefore they ought not to be fevered by us. It is the duty of the faithful', who have tailed how good and gracious nn54 the Lord is, to rejoyce in the Lord: Pfal. 104. 34. and 149. N. and 32. 1i. and 33. r. Phil. 4. 4. efpeci- ally when we prayfe him and give him thanks. For when men are dull, neither affeEled with any fenfe of Gods goodneffe nor with chearfulneffe, their thanks are not hearty but cold and counterfeit. So much of the inward duties. P 2 CHAP.
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