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z 14 of the duty of pray Ping God. ing infinite nothing can be added. Therefore the prayfing of God in the Scriptures is called bl. fsing, Pfal. ro3. I. the magnifying of God, Luke i. 46. and the glorifying of his name, Matth.9.6. the making of his praife glorious, Pfal.66.2. or, as fore reader ap_ pone gloriam nomini ejus,appoint glory to his name, not that our praifes indeed do make him great or glorious, or adde to the glory of his name, for his name is exalted above all praif, Nehenl. 9.5. but that to incourage us to this duty he is pleafed fo to tern the fetting forth of his praife, and the declaring or celebrating of his glory. 3. Prayfing 3. It is Neceffary, L Necefsitate prxcepti, by ne- of Godíne- ceffity of precept, Pfal. 50. 14. I. Theff. 5. 18. the to fra ny' which impofeth necefsitatem officii, the neceffity of duty, and the rather becaufe we are priefls ordained to offer fpirituall f crifices, r . Pet. 2.5 . Revel. I.3 . Heb. 13.15. becaufe in our daily prayers we delire that we may glorifie his name, and therefore in our lives are to endeavour it. We define alto that his will may he done; but this is the will of God, r . Theft: 5. 18. Would we, as we pray, do the will of God ors it is done in heaven ? then mutt we be frequent in founding forth his praife: for this is the exercife of the Saints and Angels in heaven. I I. IVecefsitati medii, by neceffity of the means; as a neceffary means,in refped both ofour good and Gods glory. r . Of our good, for new bleífing s: be- caufe it is the condition upon which the Lord pro - mifeth to heare and deliver us, P Çal.5o. i 5. And in this refpé& thankfgiving is alto profitable, becaufe God will honour them that honour him, r. Sam. 2.3o. The