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of the duty of prayf ng Cod. 2I S The readieft way to obtein new bleffings, is to give peenfùs: thanks for the old : not that by giving thanks we gracaa m deferve better and greater bleffings , as the Papifts g at Cents$ teach:: for this i; before confuted. . In refped of Gods glory, which is the fovereighe end of all: Ali. creatures do fet forth Gods glory,, Pfal. 19. i. and 148. The dusnbe creatures, as Bahl= faith, are myevies á ruuvi,) 771 tikyaMKpyícts x J)c rQdmoi x.) pvy, s, filent prayfers Q piercing preachers of Gods hidden works : but much moremen, who fet forth Gods praife not onely as the matter but as the inftruments of his praife, Pfal. 145.1 o. Our fpeech was given us to glorifie God ; & therefore our tongue is ourglory:So that they are worfe then bruit creatures who are mute in Gods praife -s. Yea., fuck neceffitie there is of prayfing and glorifying of God, that if men fhould;be filent God would make the ftonesto found forth his praife I I I. Necefsitate fagni , by the neceffitie of the figne. For it is neceffary not onely that we ihould be thankfull unto God for his mercies; but al -fo that we ihould expreffe our thankfulneffe. And for as much as we cannot referre or recompenfe Gods bounty, (for our goodne will not reach to him, Pfal. i 6. 3.) It remaineth therefore that we muff ageregratias, that is, give thanks. For if we ihould enter into confultation with our felves , and delibe- rate what courfe we fhould take to teftifie our thankfulneffe, our refolution mutt be the fame with that of David, Pfala i6. I 2 , I 7. Seeing then this is the onely thing betides the glorifying of God by a godly converfation that we can do to expreffe our thankfulneffe, we are very unthankfull if we be de=" fedive herein. P 4 CHAP.