Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

i if 'of duties to 6e performed CHAP. XXXVIII. of the duties which öught to be performedbef re and (ter thanksgiving: and of the eked and time. to be performed out of the anion b )th D Uties before and after. before, is re- Before, Preparation : Pfal. 108. r. and 57. 7. quired pre - páration. Wherein, firft, we are to iliac up our felves to the performance of this duty, Pfal.io3. 1,2, and zo4.r. Secondly, we are to meditate of Gods undeferved bounty towards us,8t our own unworthines.Third - ly, becaufe of our felves we are unable, we are to crave the afïiftance of Gods Spirit, that he opening our lips we may jigs, forth his praife, Pfal.5 z z 7. After, we After, we are to teflifie our thankfulnefï'e, Firfl, inuft teftifie by referring the benefits and gifts received 'to the our thank- g fulnefe. glory of God the giver, in the good of his Church. Secondly,in feeking to glorifie God who hath been fo gracious unto us, by bringing forth the fruits ofa godly life, John 15.8. by Cunning finne,John 5.14 and walking in new obedience. Thirdly,by honour- ing the Lord with our fub fiance , Prov. 3.9. and ac- knowledging him to be the chief Lord from whom we do hold all good things; by giving unto him the tithes which are his, Levit. 27. Debentur Deo, &c. They are due unto God by vertue of his univerfall dominion over all, and by him afiigned before the Law to the firfl -born which were his Priefls, as to Melchifedec ; under the Law , to the Leviricall priefts; under the Gofpel,to the miniflers 8c preach- ers thereof, i.Cor.9. 1 3, r 4. In which refped he is the