Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
before and after Thank]iving. z I the portion of Priefis. Neither are they due to the ceremoniall law onely : For the tribe of Levi, unto which the ceremonial) law doth tie them, in Abra- ham paid tithes to Melchifedec. Unthankful! therefore are they to God, who is the portion of the Priefis, who deny to give to God his part. The A- pofile feemeth to call it a mocking of God, Gal. 6. the Prophet Malachi , chap. 3. a fpoyling of God, that is, facriledge. Now it remaineth that we íhould fpeak of the ob- Of the' ob; jee`I and the time. 1. Theft 5. 18, 'Ey ;vnvzi Gvxaptsc7Tç, ieft of In all things give thanks, &c. Ephef. 5.2 O. c'vyaptsrvTeç thankfgivia. e muvraTS ; m4v7wv, giving thanks alwayes for all things. The objea, d v, for all things , Ephef. 5. z o. that is to fay, for all good things. For as we are to pray unto God onely for good things, Matth. 7. I I. fo are we to praife him for good things onely : O. therwife we íhall by our praying and prayfing go about to make God the authour of evil. And it is manifeíl that officiumgratias agendi, the duty of gi- ving thanks doth prefuppofe benefrcium, a benefit for which we are to give thanks. It is true indeed that all things as they proceed from God are good, and are by him ordered and directed to his glory and the good of his chofen: and therefore in all things he is to be prayfed. God is to be prayfed for his attributes and for his works abfolutely confidered:but we are to give him thanks becaufe he is good unto us who are his Church, and caufeth all things to work for our good. We are therefore upon all occafions to give thanks unto God for his benefits either bellowed or promifed, either
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