Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
t t g of the objea and time of thanksgiving. either common or private, either old or new,fpiritu all or temporal,either pofitive or privative:pofitive, when he beftoweth a real bleffing or good thing up- on us; privative,when he preferveth or delivereth us from any evil or danger whereunto either our own finhath made us fubjed,or the malice of ourenemies whether fpirituall or corporali doth expofe us. The time, Ephef.5.2o. , fc. ,, ; in every opportune time,t.T heft: 5.18. a las,continzcally But againft this divers things may be óbj'e6fèd. 1. If we muff give thanks alwayes then we muaido nothing elfe. Negative commandments do bind f roper d fmper , alwayes and at all times : but the affirma- tive, though they bind us alwayes, yet they do not bind us to perform them alwayes. That which is forbidden is never to be done: that which is com- manded is to be done,not alwayes but when occafi- on is offered (as every duty hath his tïme)and when there is a concurrence of circamflánces requif te. The perpetuity therfore that is required in perform. ing duties injoyned in affirmative commandments is to be underftood of the whole courfe of our lives, and not of every moment of time : that is, We are alwayes bound whileft we live to perform the du- ties at all times when juft occafion is offered; which being many and divers muff have their divers fea- fons ; neither can they all be done at once. Nega- tive commandments are to be obeyed all at once, but affirmative in their due feafons as jufl occafion is offered. In this fenfe David faith Pfal. 46.2.WWhile I live I willprayfi the Lord: I will fing prayfis to my God We nu& give thanks continually. lieb. 13.i5. obj eTl. "Ufa).
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