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of the obj ei and time of thanksgiving. 2r9 Godwhile I have any being. Pfal. 104. 33. and 145. r, a. I willextoll thee, my God, o King, and t will ble thy name for ever and ever; that is, for ever whileft I live or have a being I will be ready upon all occafi- ons both ordinarily and extraordinarily to prayfe thee. For the diOinaion of invocation, that it is flata, 'tinted, or vapa, unflinted, is to be applied to this kind: We mull both fet our felves certain times wherein to call upon God, praying unto him and prayfing him, after the example of Daniel, chap. 6. o. and alfo extraordinarily be ready upon all occafions to return thanks and prayfe unto God, acknowledging with David that when God be- floweth any new bleffìng upon us, he hathput anew, fang of thankfgiving into our mouthes, and think no time wherein God doth-bleífe unfeafonable to give him thanks. And for as much as Gods mercies are renewed upon us every morning, Lam. 3.23. and multiplyed upon us every day, Pfal. 68. i9. and every night, therefore we are withDavid to prayfe him every night and every day, Pfal. 92.2. and 145. 2. yea, fven times aday, Pfal. 119. 164. Neither muff we think midnight it felfe unfeafonable for this purpofe; Pfal. 119.62. Acts r 6. 25. Every morn- ing we are to prayfe God for his blefling upon us that night, and every night we are to prayfe him for his Meiling upon us that day : Every meal is to begin with prayfes and be concluded with thankf- giving:every attempt and bufinefie of importance is to begin with prayer and be ended with thanks, Col. 3. 17; Thanks is to be given with joy ; but we are ma- objell.zó ny
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