Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

A 13GODLY AND--131 ** It FRUITFULL EXPO SITION OF THE 1 .E3* LORDS PRAYER; . . ?w . Shewing the meaning of the words, and the It duties required in the feverall Petitions, both in refped of prayer it felf, .0 -.. and alfo in refpea of r our lives. . PHIL. 4. 6. ,. r Be carefull for nothing, but in every thing by <34' prayer and fupplication with tharkfgiving let your requefis be made known unto God. .0- cv .3; s It s6.1s;',.'s-1 If Printed by Roger Daniel, Printer to the 4 Univerfitie of Cambridge. It ZS lrf tf , Zis I ,f 114- Z i 1 t '¡{(> >.'.S'¿} °( lY. .5'¡4( i ' b Zr4S .s,t: ,¡t.5.`: r.S .mot i.S2i .`L 5 5 f 34L - L "Z, f,L lit, f à. )Vl. !'i. . 'i,` 1 Z ',` 9Rçi. 34