Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

226 ?'hegenerals of Invocation applyed to the Lords Prayer. the fecond of the Papifls, who fuperftitioufly infift in the very words and fyllables themfelves. 2. The As touching the firfl; Our Saviour commandeth Lords pray- us thus to pray; and more plainly, Luke II. 2. When er is to, .ye u_ ï'e it be tea as ye pray, f y, our F ìther, &c. Therefore unlef prayer. unlawful! to obey the expreffe commandment of our Saviour Chrift, it is lawfull to ufe thefe words. Secondly, the book of Pfalmes doth prove that we may have fet forms of prayers. Pfal.86. is a form of prayer to be ufed in affliction. The 92 is Pf dmus in diem Sabbati, A Pfalme for the Sabbath. The Ioz °ratio pro paupere, A Pfalme for a poore man. The 136 A folemn form of thanksgiving. 2. Chron. 7. 6. and 20.2I. That we For the fecond, when Chrift commandeth to ought not to be tyed one- pray thus, he doth not tie us to the words but to the ly to this things. We mull pray for f ich things as herein Norm, fummarily are conteined, with fuc'h affec`lioñs`as.are herein`prefcribèd. For we muff underftand that our. Saviour Chrift propoundeth this prayer as a brief fumme ofall thofe things which -we are to ask. For as the Creed is fumma credendorum , the fumme of things to be believed; the Decalogue, Ç mma agen- dorum, the fumme of things to be done : fo the Lords Prayer is fumma petendorum, the fumme of things to be defired. But as all things particularly to be believed are not particularly exprefièed in the Creed; nor all things to be done, in the Decalogue: fo neither are all things particularized in the Lords prayer for which we are to ask : And therefore it is lawfull, nay expedient and neceffary,' often to de. fcend into the particulars themfelves. For the pro - ving