Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
.z Thegtnerals of Invocation applyedto the Lords prayer; difciples to pray;whereupon Chrifls difciples defire him in like manner to teach them. Wherein alfo they are to be an example to be imitated of all learn- ers : As the Father in the family, or the Paflour in the Church , ought to teach; fo the child in the houle, the hearer in the Church, ought to be defi -- rous to learn how to pray. Thirdl y, it fheweth that of our felves we know not how to pray. For if we fhould be left to our own affections and defires, we fhould ask many times thole things which would tend to Gods dif- honour and our own hurt : As appearethby Socra, tes, who wanting this direáion of our Saviour Chrift, knew not what to ask, but groping in dark - nefl'e defired in generali terms, that thole things which are good he would give them whether they asked them or no,and would deliver them from evil things although they fhould ask them : Plato in Alcib. 2. Zit.; RccoXsú, /.' i ci cnvX¡./,940ts sÿ á ve x7oIs "A tdYJ'u ' lw á w (l- iß xJ ,4WV á?tgpt,xots O 9upiter King, give unto us good things whether we risk or ask them not; but put away from its evil things though we pray for them. And therefore our Saviour Chriff thought it necefiary to teach us how to pray. rigec4 dnors Again, hence arifeth great comfort to Gods chil- dren : For whereas the word of God affureth us whatfoever we (hall ask according to his will it flail be given 144,r John 5.14. we may allure our felves that we fo pray when we follow Chritis direction. Nei- ther need we doubt but the Lord acknowledging the voice
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