Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

The definition of f Invocation explained. unto, In whole name, In what manner, By whole help, and For what. For in all invocation that thall be acceptable unto God, there is required, i. That what is rc- the perfon which prayeth be faithful' z. That the it tea in all uivocacion partie to whom we pray be the onely true God; a ceptable 3. That the prayer be made in the name of Chrift; `° God. ( For finne having made a feparation between God and us, there is no accefíre for us unto God in our own name.) 4. For the manner, that it be Y rù oat', according to God, Rom.8. i7. or, as S. John fpeaketh more fully, r. Epift.5. 14. accordingto thewill of God, that is, that in our invocation or prayer we perform thofe things which God hath willed and required in his word to be performed in prayer. 5. Becaufe we are not able of our felves to perform any of thofe things which God hath required , I adde, that we are to call upon God by the help of the holy Ghoft.6.And laftly,I fhew that the object of our invocation, that is , the things concerning which we do fpeak unto God in prayer, are good things apperteining to his glorie and our good; as namely and efpecially, the benefits and bleflings of God, for which we do either pray unto him, or praife him. Of thefe fix in order : And firft for the partie which is to pray. When I fay that pray- er is a fpeech of the faithfull, you are to underftand, i. That we fpeak of prayer as it is officium viato- rum, a duty injoyned unto men living here upon earth as pilgrimes in the Church militant, unto whom alone the doetrine of Invocation doth ap- pertein; and not as it is exercitiumfpirituum beato- raana, the exercife of the Saints and Angels in the B 3 Church 5