Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
23o rhegenerals of Invocation applyedto the Lords prayer, two things are to be expreffed; an hungring and thirfling defire of grace, and the fpeciall affent of faith : For the flirring up of both which it is fit to meditate upon the fatherly love and almighty pow_ er of God, which our Saviour hath taught us to prefix before the prayer it felf. In prayer two things efpecially are to be expreffed : r. An hungring and thirfling delire of the grace and bleffing of God ; 2. A fpeciall aífent of faith that our requefl fhall be granted. Therefore the prayer it felf is divided in- to Petitions and Conclufion the delire being efpe- cially expreffed in the Petitions; the Conclufion conteining, r. a confirmation, 2. a teflification of our faith, in the word Amen. Of the Lords prayer The parts. therefore there be two parts : the Preface; and the Prayer it felf, confining of Petitions and the Con - clufion , conteining a Confirmation of our faith joyned with the prayfing of God,and alfo a Tefli- fication both of our faith and the truth of our de- lire, in the word Amen. The order. In expounding the Lords Prayer we will obferve this order : Firfl, we will expound the words, and Thew the true meaning of thé; &then we will inferre the ufes of Dorine, Confutation,In(lrudion in the duties of prayer and of our lives; and laflly, of Re- proof, whereby (hall be dete6ted the hypocrifie of worldly men, who ufng thefe words do not pray in truth. Whereas our Saviour doth not abruptly pro- pound the Petitions, but prefixeth a folemn Pre- face, we are taught before we call upon God to ufe fome preparation. The
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