Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
The Preface. 231 The preface conteineth a defcription of God to The preface: whó we pray,taken i .from his relation to us,that he is Our Father; 2. from the place wherein his maje- fy doth efpecially appear, that he is in heaven: the former fignifying efpecially his love; the other, his power. Of which two if in our preparation we do duly meditate, our delire will be kindled and our faith confirmed, confidering that he to whom we pray is both able and willing to grant our requefts. Our Father. S Orne do expound thefe words as though they werea rhetoricall proeme which we ufe to win Gods favour. But we ufe words in our prayer not that God but that we may be moved and affeed. Firft we call him Father: whereof we are firft to Peek the meaning, and then the ufe. By the name of Father God alone is underftood: For, as our Savi- our faith Matth. 23. 9. we muff call no man father, becaufe we have but one Father who is in heaven.Joh. 8.41. We have one Father, which is God: A good profeffion if it had bene uttered with a good confci- ence. Now God is Paid to be a Father two wayes: by God a Fa Creation, and Adoption. By creation, as Ifai. 64. ther two 8. So Adam is Paid to be thefonne of God, Luke 3. wayes. 38. and the Angels, Job i. By adoption in Chrift, Ephef. r. 5. So every believer is born of God, i. John 5.1. For to j'o many as believe in Chrift God path given this priviledge, to be thernnes of God, John I. 12. And in this fenfe is every faithfull man to call God Father. 4 But
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