Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

3 The Preface: But here it may be demanded, Whether the whole Trinitie is called upon in the name ofFa- ther, or the firft Perfon alone. '4nfv. The word Father is attributed unto God two wayes; either effentially or perfonally. Effentially, when he is fo called in refped of the creatures, i. Cor. 8.6. Perfonally, when it hath relation to the other Perfons, the Sonne and the holy Ghoft. In this place it hath relation to the creatures. So Deut. 32. 6. Ifai. 63. 16. But howfoever the whole Trinity is our Father, & fo to be worfhipped ofus, yet this fpeech is more peculiarly direäed to the firft Perfon, the fountain of the Godhead, who is the Father of Chrift, Ephef. 3.14. and in himour Father, John 20, 17. yet fo as in worfhipping him we joyntly worfhip the other two, who as they are all one in effence, coequal' and coeternal 1, concur- ring alto in all actions towards us, fo they are alto- gether to he worfhipped. o God, thou Father of Chrifl, and in him our Father, whogiveft the Spirit of thy Sonne, whereby we cry, Abba, Father, to thee we yrefent our prayers in the name of thy Son , craving the help of the holy Ghofl. The fecond Perfon is called our Father,Ifai. 9.6. & fo may the holy Ghoft,who doth regenerate us, Deut. 32. 6. and to either of them may our prayers be directed, Ads y. 59. So that our prayer may be directed to any or to all the Perlons, 2. Cor. 13. 13. or to two of them, z. Theft 3. i r. L Apiketa. We are taught to whom to direr our prayers, afa. namely, to God alone. For feeing our Saviour hath 1. commanded us, when we pray,tofay,our Father, it is evident