Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

The Preface. evident that we break the commandment if we dire,5I our prayers to any to whom we may not fay, our Father, &c. Which title without blafphemy we cannot attribute to any but onely to the Lord, who is our heavenly Father: Jer. 31. 9. Sum Ifrae- li Pater, I am a Father to Ifrael. Secondly, whereas by nature we are the children 2. of wrath, and yet commanded to call upon God as our Father, we are taught in whole name we are to come unto God : Not in our own names or wor- thineffe, Dan. 9. 18. for then we (hall find him a Judge rather then a Father; but onely in the name and mediation of Chrift, Eph. 3. i 2. in whom he is our Father, and in whore name he bath promifed to grant whatfoever we ask according to his will. It is well faid of Calvine, Cúm. Deum Patrem vocamus,Chrif i nomen prætendimus, When we call God Father,we pretend the name of Chrift. 3. We are taught that the help of-the holy Ghoft 3, is neceffary in prayer. For how fhould we which were children of wrath dare to call God our Father, or be affured that webe his children e By the holy Ghoft, who is thefpirit of adoption, & beareth witneffe to our fpirits, that,ve are theJnnes of God,we cry in our hearts, Abba, Father, Rom. 2.15, 16. For if none can fay that lefus is the Lord but by the holy Ghof; 1.cor.ta.3. then much leffe can a man call upon God as his Fa- ther in Chrift except he be endued by the holy Ghoft. We muff therefore, as the Apofile teacheth us, Ephef.2.18. call upon God the Father in -the name of the Sonne by the afïiflance of the holy Ghofl, fo fhall we, though unworthy and unable to call 233