Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

2 34 of the name Father; andwhat duties it teacheth us: call upon God, in Chrift be accepted and by the ho: ly Ghoft be enabled to pray according to God. 1%, "ENsf s. Here therefore firft are they refuted who think I they may lawfully dire& their prayers either to An- gels orSaints,to whom the name Father is oppofed, Ifai.63. t 6. or to their images , laying to a hock or (tone, our father,Jer.2.z7. If God be our heavenly Father, who is more willing to give good things then any earthly parents and alto all- fufficient, why Mould we feek to any other, unleffe we can either accule him of unkindneffe, or object want of pow- er unto him e z. Secondly, if God be our Father in Chrift, then ought we with boldneffe to come unto the throne of grace through him, Ephef.3. r 2. Neither do we need any other mediation then of the Sonne, who is the onely Mediatour as of redemption fo alto of inter - ceílion, I.Tim. a.5. contrary to the do trine of the Papifts , who teach men to ufe the mediation of Saints : Whereas our Saviour John 16. 26. having commanded us to pray in his name, addeth, if y not that I will intreat the Father for you : for the Father himfelf lovethyou. Duties in Prayer. IF God be our Father, we muff come i. In reve_ rence as unto our heavenly Father. z. In dutiful!, thankful!, and fonne-like affection, acknowledging his mercy of Adoption, who when we were by na- ture children of wrath adopted us to be his fonnes; and if fonnes, then heirs. Behold, what love the Father hath fher'ed on us, that wefhould be called the fonnes of God. Rom.8.16. ajohn 3.i.