Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

of the name Father; and what duties it teacheth u. 235 God. 3. In faith and aíiurance , not onely that we and our prayers are accepted in Chrift, but that our prayers (hall be granted unto us of our Father as may be moff for his glory and our good. And that we may come in faith, let us confider, Firft, that without faith we are no fonnes of his,but children of wrath, Ephef. 2.3,12. and if we believe we are the fonnes of God, John I.I 2. and of the houfhold of faith. Secondly, that if God be our Father in Chrift, he will grant us what good thing foever we ask. For 1. he is a%i`Ied as a good Fa- Pf °l,jo3,I ó Cher towards his children: yea, his love towards us is fo much greater then the love of earthly parents as his goodneffe and mercy is greater, Ifai. 63. 16. Pfal.27.Io. Ifai.49.15. Matth.7.1 I. Luke 11.13. 2. In that he is our Father he hath given us the great - eft gift that can be imagined, and therefore will not deny the leffe. Pater quid negabit filiis, qui jam dedit quòdpater eft? What will the father deny to his íòns, who hath vouchfafed already to be our Father For if he have fo loved us that he gave his Son for its (that in him we might be adopted his children) how /hall he not with him give us allgood things ?Rom.8.32. 3. In that he bath vouchfafed us this great love to be our Father and that we fhould be his children, he hath alto made us his heirs, & provided us an inheritance in heaven. For as he gave his Sonne in pretiam, for a price, fo he referveth himfelf in premium, for a reward. If therefore it be our Fathers pleat re to give us a kingdome, we need not fear but that he will grant us matters of leffe moment, Luke 12. 32. 4. In fonne-like fubmiffion we are to call upon God our