Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

236 of the name Father; and what duties it teacheth us, our Father, &c. Matth.26.39,42. And in this faith we are to refl in the will of our Father , fubmitting our felves thereto, knowing that he will difpofe of us for the bell. Duties in our lives. F we call God our Father, we mull behave our Ifelves as dutifull and obedient children, i .Pet. r . 14. we mull walk worthy our calling, Ephef.4. i . For Pee- ing we have thefe promifes, namely, that God will be a Father unto us, and that we fhall be his fonnes and daughters, we ought to clean% our felves from all filthine fe of theflefh andfpirit, andgrow up into all god- lineffe inthefearofGod, z.Cor.6. i8. and 7.1. Deur. 1lat.x.6. 32.6. Nonne ipfi Pater tusks, &c. Is not he thy Fa- ther that hath bought thee We mull honour him, we mull fear him, i .Per. 1. r7. Neither ought we to fear any thing fo much as to difpleafe him. We mull love him,and Chrift his Sonne, John 8.4z.and for his fake our neighbours, as the fonnes of God and members of Chrift, and confequently as our brethren and fellow-members, r .John 5.i. We are to imitate our heavenly Father, Matth. 5.4.5. Luke 6.36. We mull patiently and meekly bear afflictions - as fatherly chaflifements, Heb. r z.6,7, &c.. Other- wife we fhew our felves to be baftards rather then fonnes. We mull trufl in him, Pfal. 27.1o. Ifai. 63. 16. Here therefore is reproved the hypocrifie of thole who of ng thefe words do not call upon God in their prayers with fonne -like reverence, faith, affelion, fubmifi'ion, nor in their lives behave themfelves as Gods