Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

23S What ufe is to be made of this word,0ur. whole brotherhood,which is the univerfallChurch; and the whole company of the faithfull, Pfal.I 22. 6. o pray for the peace of 9eruf lem. For the univer- fall Church, I fay, militant upon earth. For unto the prefent eĆ­late of the Church militant our Savi- our doth accommodate this prayer: as, that we may do the will of Godupon earth as it is in heaven; that he wouldgiveus our daily bread; that he would forgive our finnes, and not lead us into temptation. When as therefore this prayer is ufed amongfl the Papifls for the dead, they fhew themfelves not impious onely but allo ridiculous. Vfes concerning Prayer. I, Irfl, whereas Chrift commandeth us to call God Faith requi_ Father not onely of other faithfull and elef but red in prayer alfo ours, he requireth in us when we are to pray a true and juf}ifying faith whereby we are perfwaded that God is our Father in Chrift, and the fpirit of a- doption, whereby we cry in our hearts, Abba, Father. Therefore that fpeciall faith which the Papifls call prefumption, whereby every Chriflian man believeth that he is adopted in Chrifl, reconciled to God, and jufli- fred by him, and that for his fake both himfelf and his prayer is accepted of God, Chrift requireth in this place. For unleffe I be perfwaded that the Lord is not onely the Father of the reft of the faithfull and elea, but alto my Father, Icannot in truth call him our Father. Unto prayer therefore we mutt bring faith, without which it is impofsi6le to pleaje God. 1: Secondly,whereas Chrift commandeth us ro call We nauft upon God not onely for our felves, but allo in the behalf