Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

What ufè is to be made of this word, Our. 239 behalf of the whole fraternitie, which is the univer- for fall Church, our Father, Give us, &c. he teacheth another: us' to exercife the communion of Saints by mutual! prayers for one another, Ephef.6. i 8. and not onely to have refpet to our own good but alfo to the good of others, r. Cora 13.5. and withall inform - eth us how we are to be affe1ed towards our bre- thren when we come to call upon God; that we should delire the fame good things for them which we ask for our felves ; that we íhould be touched with a fellow - feeling of their wants, as it becometh thofe which are not onely the Tonnes of the fame Father, but alfo members of the fame body, Heb. 13.3. Therefore as we ought to bring faith to- wards God, fo alto charity towards inen,that with- out wrath and ditfenfion we may lift up pure hands unto God, r.Tim.z.8. But is it not lawfull to fay fometimes, My Father, aleft. .My God, and to pray for our felves in particular or for force others:' It is lawful! in private prayers to call God thy 44nll'Y. Father, fo that thou dolt not arrogate any thing pe- culiar to thy felf befides or above other faithful! men. For this is the voyce ofjuftifying faith (efpe- cially in the time of temptation, when the faithful! man may feem forfaken of God) to apply unto him - felf in particular that which commonly belongeth to all the faithful!, Pfal.22.1. Deus meus, My God, my God, &c. John 20. z8. Rom. i. 8. The Lord inftru6leth his people thus to call him, My Father, Jer.3.4,19. and Chrift his difciples,Matth.6.6. Pray to thy Fathers and thy Father which f eth in fécret, &c. It