Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

and the ufees of ,it : 243 The poore alfo are to comfort themfelves with this cohhderation,that howfoever they be contemn- ed in the world, yet they are dear in Gods fight. God is their Father as well, or rather of them then of the rich, Pfal.68.6. and Chrifl their brother:yea, they are members of Chrifl, to whom what is done Chrif efteemeth as done to himfelf,Matth. z S.The Which is to be underf}ood of the godly poore ; for otherwife, as their eftate is miferable now, fo a thoufand times more miferable shall it be in the world to come. V fes of reproof. T Hey are condemned that call God their Father,and yet hate the children of God becaufe they are godly, and deride the name of brethren. 2. Schifmaticks, who call God their Father, but denie his children to be their brethren. For they which will have God for their Father, mull have the true Church to their mother. And thefe words, our Father, are the voyce ofthe Church, and of all that be of the fame brotherhood. 3. Again, when we are bid to fay, rw p ñ, r,our Father, &c. we are taught to dire our prayers unto God immediately, as being prefent with us. Which confuteth the Papias, who would not have us go direily to God, but to defire Mary, or Peter, &c. to pray forus : whereas this priviledge have all the faithfull, to come with boldnellà to the throne of grace by Chrif , Ephef. 3. 12. Secondly, we are to believe that God who is in heaven is alfo prefent with us, hearing our prayers : and therefore fo ought we to R z poure