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244 of theft words, Which art in heaven. poure forth our prayers as into his bofome, yea though we pray in fecret, Matth. 6.6. Thirdly, we ought to have the eye of faith to fee him that is in- vif ble, Heb. I r. fo fhall we fet God before our eyes, and behave our felves as it becometh thofe that (peak to fo glorious a Majefty. But mofi men becaufe they fee none prefent are touched with leffe reverence then if they fpake to a mortali fuperiour. Which art in heaven, `o geyvoi . HEaven is all that fpace which is above the earth: Of which are three parts, Colum Aereum,Gen. z. 8. tbereum, Empyreum. The firfi, Air; in which are the birds, fowls of heaven,and the wicked rpirits in heavenly places, Ephef. 6.I2. and 2.2. The fecond is that heaven wherein the flarres are, which are called the holl of heaven. The third is the feat of the blefl`ed and throne of God, called Calton empy. reum,becaufe of the light, I.Tim.6.16. paradifi, 2. Cor. 12. 4. and the third heaven, in refpea of the two lower; and in the fame fenfe, the heaven of hea- vens, Pfal. I 15.16. 1. Kings 8.27. God is all in all. But this place is efpecially to be underfiood of the third heaven, which is the place of the Lords habitati- on, I.Kings 8.30. Objell. How is God faid to be in heaven,fecing he is eve- rywhere lnfw: If God be everywhere, then is he alfoin heaven: But God is laid to be in heaven, not that he is inclu- ded therein, I . Kings 8.27. and therefore not cir_ cumfcriptive, by circumfcription , as the body of Chrifi; nor de finitiv?, definitively, as the finire fpi- rits3