Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

. of theft words, Which art in heaven. rits ;but he is there and everywhere repletive, filling all places , Jer. 23. 2 3. but yet fo as he is every- where totes, wholly. But yet after a more fpeciall manner he is faid to be in heaven : Becaufe there efpecially he manifefteth his glory; there he is feen face to face ;there he communicateth himfelf; thénce he fendetb down his bleffings & judgements, Rom. 1.18. thence he fpeaketh to men; thence Chrift de- fcended; thence the holy Ghoft, Matth.3. thither Chrift afcended; there he fitteth; and thence he re- turneth to judgement. And as the foul is faid to be tota in toto tota in qualibet parte, all in the whole, and inevery part all; and yet in refped of the chief operations is faid to be feated in the head (as it were) the heaven of this Microcofine ; fo God, who is everywhere wholly both in the world and out of it, is faid to be in heaven : Heaven is his throne, Ifai.66. . there he prepared his fiat, Pfal. z o3.19. there he fit- teth, Pfal. 2.4. that is the habitation of his holing ?, &c. Ifai. 63. i 5. the place of his habitation, i.Kings 8. 3o. Secondly, when Chrift faith, 707, ¡e_9vcts, in the heavens, he meaneth ti,ggP &:&-, heavenly as Matth. 6.26. And he is called heavenly, becaufe the fhal- lowneife of our minds cannot better conceive of the unfpeakable glory and excellent majeftie of God then under this name. For nothing more ex- cellent and glorious is fubjeft to our fenfe then the heaven. Whereas therefore the Scriptures give this title to God, they teach us to afcribe unto him ma- jeftie glorious, a %nce omniprefent, power infinite, wifdome unfpeakable, mercy endleffe. R 3 The