Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

Yfes to be made of thefe words ,Which árt in heaven . ly to utter any thing before God : For God is in heaven, full of majefiie and glory ; and thon upon earth, duff and worms meat, Eccles 5. r. Power ; that is , Might infinite , omnipotencie; Right infinite, and authority univerfall. Potencia, Power,Pfal. I I 5.3. our God is in heaven:whatfoever be will he doeth. Which muft teach us to pray with affiance, being afl'ured that our heavenly Fa- ther is able to do for us according to (yea above)our requefis, yea above our thought, Ephef.3.2o. Thus Jehofhaphat, 2. Chron. 2o. 6. Art not thou God in heaven, fo as power is in thine hand which none can re- a ? f Poteflas,'Authority : So faith Jehofhaphat, Art not thou God an heaven? and dot not thou rule over all nations? So Pfal. 103.20. The Lord hash eftabli fhed his fiat in heaven, and his kin gdome is over all. On him therefore our truft muft be repofed, by whofe providence and power all things are governed in heaven and in earth. For hereby we learn that the Lord is not onely able in refpe t of his might, but bath right alfo to befiow upon us any good thing. Audaéler Deum roga, nihil ilium de alieno rogaturus, sueca. Beg boldly of God, feeing thou cant} ask nothing of him which belongeth to another. Infinite effence and omniprefence ; for fo is the heaven faid to be his throne, as that the earth alfo is his footfiool: and fo is he in both, as that he is alfo everywhere and in every place totes. For we may not think that God isfarrefrom us, Acs i 7.27. be- caufe he is faid to be in heaven, as the wicked ima- gine, Job 22.13. but we mutt acknowledge that he R4 is 247