Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
Yfes =to be made of thefe words ,Which art in heaven: is alwayes prefent with us,Pfal. r 39.7,8,9, &c. and, as it is 145.18. Deut.4.7. near unt o u4 when we call upon him; yea, where two or three are gathered to- gether in his name, he is in the milde Jt of them, Matth. 18.2o. If therefore thou prayeft in fecret,the Lord heareth thee, Matth. 6.6. if in the clofet of thine heart without any fpeech, he heareth the voyce and cry of the heart, Exod. t4. r 5.1.Sam. z.13. Afire thy felftherefore that thou fpeakeft not into the air or utter& thy words in vain, but that thou poureft forth thy requefis into the bofome of the Lord. Wifdome unfearchable : For as the heavens are high above the earth , fo are the Lords thoughts above ours, Ifai. 55. 9. We muíi therefore fubmit our felves to his will, which is moil wife and juil: nei- ther let us circumfcribe him , but rather refigne our felves unto him, who belt knoweth what is fie for us. Mercy unfpeakable ; Whereby all thefe attri- butes are effeduall to our good. For if earthly pa. rents do know to give good things to their children, much more doth our heavenly Father , Matth. 7 . 1 r. This therefore muíi not difcourage us,that he fit - teth above in heaven in the high throne of his maje- fiie: for though he dwelleth above,yet he mercifully aba- feth himfeelf to beholdthe things which be in heaven and in earth, Pfal. i r 3.5 ,6. He looketh down from the high place of his holinefe, even from heaven doth the Lord look down upon earth ;that he might heare the mourning of the prifoner, and deliver the children of death, Pfal. 102.19,20. Neither ought his power to terrifie us: for he ufeth it to our good, Deut. 33. 2 6. fie rideth, or
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