Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

yfes to be made of then words, Which art in heaven. or fitteth, upon the heavens for our help. Him there- fore, let us exalt who rideth on the highefl heavens, Pfal. 68.4. Here therefore is difcovered the hypocrifie of thofe men who calling upon God as their Father in heaven lift not up their hearts to heaven, but let them lie groveling on the earth; who imagine God to be like themfelves,who without reverence fpeak unto him, or ufe vain babbling; who truft not in his power, nor acknowledge his prefence with them, unreverently behaving themfelves becaufe they fee him not; that fubmit not themfelves to his fatherly ,wifdome, nor reft in his mercy and goodneffe. Yfes in our lives. Firft, if our Father be in heaven,who alfo hath be- gotten us to an heavenly inheritance, then we who are the children of God are in this world pilgrimes from God and from our countrey; and therefore ought not to mindearthly things, but have our con - verfation in heaven, Phil. 3. 19, 20. Secondly, if God our Father be full of maiefty and power, we ought to fear him and to f}and in aw. Thirdly, if omnipotent, let us reft confidently under his pro - te &ion, neither let the fear of any danger draw us unto fanne; for God is able to deliver us, Dan. 17. And on the other fide, let us fear to Panne; for he is able to de(lroy both body and foul in hell, Match. i o. 28. If God be omniprefent, let us behave our felves as in his prefence, and walk before him in uprightneífe of heart. If our heavenly Father be moll wife and mercifull, let us caft our care upon him, in all our nece %ties 249