Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

Who ought to pray: of the faithful! : not but that all are bound to pray, but that none pray effetually and acceptably but they onely that believe. Concerning the partie therefore which is to call upon God, I am to fhew thefe two things : t. That it is required of all to pray ; 2. That it is required of all which do pray that they be faithful!. The former I am the rather in this place to perform , left when I have defined quid fit, and fo taught how we are to pray, I leave place to the queftion Anfit,Whether we are to pray at all or not. For howfoever it is a great honour and favour for a finfull man who is but duff and allies (as A- braham upon this occafion confeffeth, Gen. i 8. a7.) that the Lord fhould admit him to familiar fpeech with his great and glorious Majeftie ( For as Chry- foftome faith, Luis benigni- non admiraretur tantam beni ni- De orands Daze tatem qquam in nos declarat Deus, qui nos mortales di- p. I, gnos habuerit qui cum ipfo colloquarnur, noftráque vo- taapudipfrim deponamus ? that is, Who would not admire this fo great goodneffe which God declareth towards us, who efteemeth morralls worthy to talk with him, and to lay before him all our fuits ) and that he fhould be near unto us in all that we do call upon him for, Deut.4. 7. and therefore a thing greatly to be defired and highly to be efteemed of us ; yet naturally men abhorre from the perfor- mance of this dutie : which caufed the Prophet Ifaiah to complain' that there was none that called Ifa.647. upon the name of the Lord. The reafon is, becaufe finne having made a feparation between God and us, the man whofe confcience condemneth him of B 4 finne