Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
2 50 Yfes to be made of thefe words,Which art in heaven. neceffities depending on him. As for thole that are mere worldlings 8z terr 4,e flii, who neither fiand in aw of his majefiy, nor trufi in his power, nor walk as in his prefence, nor depend upon his father- ly goodneffe,they cannot but in hypocrifie callGod their heavenly Father. Now if we joyn thefe two together, of which . we have fpoken feverally, That God is our Father, and therefore willing to heare us;and alfo in heaven, and therefore able to grant our defires; there will be no place left to diffidence and diilrufi,feeing God is both willing and able to grant our requefis. Therefore we ought not to be difiru(ifully careful], but with confidence and affürance that we íhall Be heard to make our requefis known unto God, Phil. 4. 6. feeing , as Fulgentius faith , Deus multus eft ad zgnofcendum; in hoc multo nihil daft, in quo 6' omni- potens milricordia & omnipotentia mifericors eft: God is much in forgiving ; in this much nothing is mif- fing, in whom is omnipotent mercy, and merciful] omnipotence. The confideration ofeither of thefe may fiirre up a man to pray: but if he doubt of either, I fee not how he can pray in faith. The le- per, Mark i. 40. being perfwaded of Chrifis pow- er, defireth him to make him clean: the father of him that was poffeffed, Mark 9. 22. having force good opinion of Chrifis willingneffe, intreated his help for the difpoffeffing ofthe unclean fpirit: But becaufe the one was not afared of his willingneffe, the other of his power, they make but doubtful! prayers, 1 f thou wilt thou canft make me clean ; If thou canji do any thing help us. But we may be aífured of both
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