Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
The divifson of the Petitions. both in our heavenly Father: and therefore are to be encouraged to pray in faith, &c. The divifion of the Petitions. HItherto we have fpoken of the preface. Now we are to proceed unto the petitions: Which are in number fix; but yet in refped of the objetls they may be diftinguifhed into two forts: For ei- ther they concern more properly and immediately the glory of God, without refpea of our own pro- fit ;or elfe our own good,and mediately the glory of God. For in the three former we fay,Thy name,Thy kingdome,Thy will; in the three latter,as and our &c. Thofe that concern Gods glory are indeed moll: profitable forus; for with his own glory he joyneth the good and falvation of the elect: For ifwe glori- fie the name of God, he will glorifie us: if we be fubje6is of the kingdome of grace, we fhall be in- heriters of the kingdome of glory : if we do the will of God upon earth, we !hall enter into the kingdome of heaven. But in propounding thefe pe- titions we are not to refpea our own profit but the glory of God. Thofe which immediately concern our own good muff alto mediately refpea the glory of God, whereunto if our good be not referred it is not good. Thofe which immediately concern the glory The °rder. of God are fet down in the firít place. By which order our Saviour Chrift teacheth us to pre - ferre Gods glory before our own good, yea (if they thould come in comparifon ) before our own falvation, Exod.3 2-3z. becaufe Gods glory is the end 25t
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