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ï s 2 The meaning of the firfi Petition: end, and therefore better then thofe things which are referred thereunto. For which caufe not only in order of petitions but alto in the meafure of our affections the gloryofGod mull be preferred before our own good : Ideóque in tridus primis petitionibus oratiodo- vch'ios eft, cûm poll eriores conjunaionibus colli_ gantur, And. therefore in the three firfl petitions there is no copulative, when as the three latter are tied together with conjunctions. In the three firfl petitions we defire either the glory of God it felf as the end, or elfe the means whereby his glory is procured: the end in the firfl petition; the means in the other two. For then is God glorified when his kingdome is advanced and his will fulfilled. This order teacheth us, that the main end of all our delres and actions Mould be the glory of God. What is fi- gnified by Gods name. I. Petition. 'CM, of the firft petition: Wherein we are to learn the meaning of the words, and then to confider the ufes which arife from thence. `Ayia ,' '4:v1-acre, Hallowed be thy name. The name of God fignificth both God himfelf, and his attributes, which are himfelf, and alto that whereby he is named. In the former fenfe the word name is often ufed to fi- gnifie the perfons named: as Ads r. r5. and 4. r z . Revel. 3. 4. and r r. 13. So the name of God is put for God himfelf, Joel 2.2 3. Deut. 2 8.5 8. Hereupon the Hebrews ufe to fay, »m lnwl,?,that is, His name is himfelf, and he is his name. And hereunto belong thofe places in which the name of God figni- fieth
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