Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

The meaning of the firft Petition. fieth his attributes, which are nothing b ut himfelf: For the juftice of God is the juft God, the wifdorne of Cod is the wife God, the mercy of Cod is the merci. full God, &c. And thefe alfo are the name of Codas appeareth Exod.33 . 19. and 34. 5, 6, 7. For this is the name which he proclaimeth, The Lord,the Lord, flrong, mercifull, and gracious, flow to anger, and abun- dant ingoodnef and truth, &c. Secondly,the name of God fignifieth that whereby God is named ; whereby he is either renowned or known. The name of renown is his glory, which is (as it were) his good name : For fo in great perfons their good name is their glory and renown; and therefore they are faid in the Scriptures to be men of name, Gen.6.4. In this fenfe the word name h ufed Gen. z Y . 4. That we may get as a name: Gen. t Z.2. I will make thy name great: Jer. 13.11. name,praifi, and glory ,Deut.26. 19. The name of God therefore figni- fieth that whereby he is renowned and acknowled- ged to be glorious,that is, his glory: So Exod.9. z 6. Pfal.8.Y. Again,the name of God fignifieth that whereby he is known; to wit, not onely his Titles, which more properly are called his name, and by which he is known, but alfo the Means whereby he is known. The titles are the names of the Godhead, of the at- tributes, and of the Perfons. Of the Godhead ; as l ehovah, L ord, God, &c. Exod. 3 . i 5. This is my name: Exod. 6. 3. Pfal. 83. 18. Attributes, as Wif- dome, Mercy, Juflice, Majefty, &c. Perfons, as Father, Chrifl, lefits, saviour, holy Ghoft, &c. The means whereby God is known are either pe- culiar 25;