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2 54 The meaning of the fir It Petitio f. culiar to the Church, or common unto all. Of the firft fort are his word and religion therein prefcri- bed. The word of God is called his name, as As 9.15. to carry my name, &c. and it I. 13. I. Tim.6. I. with Tit.2.5. Rom.2.24. Pfal.22.22. Heb.z.I 2. So is the doctrine of religion and worfhip of God, Mich. 4. 5. We will walk in the name of eur God. i .Kings 5.3,5. to build a houje unto the name of God. The common means are the works of God : The works of Creation, Pfal.19.1. Rom. I. 19, 20. In refped whereof he is called the Creatour of heaven and earth. As alfo of Adminiftration, as his blef- fings and judgements. In refped whereof he is cal- led the Governour and Judge of the world, Exod. 34.7' All thefe doth the mime of Godfignifie. meats is To finciife fignifieth either to make holy,or to ac- IanEified or knowledge & declare holy. In the firfl fenfe things hallowed. are faid to be fan ified and (in themfelves being not holy) to be made holy, which are fet apart to holy ufes ; as the Sabbath, the Temple, Priefts, Chrifti- ans confecrated and fet apart to the worfhip and fer- vice of God. In which fenfe the name of God, which is moil holy,Pfa1. i I 1.9. cannot be faid to be fanâified. 2. To fancVe is to acknowledge& declare holy: as wifdome in the like phrafe of fpeech is faid to be juftified, Luke 7.35. and God to be magnifiedandglo- rfed: And thus the name of God is fantified either by us or by God himfelf, Num.2 0.12)13. By us (I mean our (elves and others,for whom alfo we pray) when, as the name of God is moll holy and reve- rend, fo we in our hearts acknowledge and that effe- ual1y,
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