Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

How Cods name is fanCitfiedky us. ¿tually, in our tongues profeffe,in our deeds ufe it as moft holy & reverend. By God himfelf his name is fans` ified, when either he manifefteth the glory of his mercy and jufice, or elfe freeth it from the pol- lutions of men, efpecially when men negieEt it, and removeth the impediments, Num,zo. 12, I 3. Firfl, we pray that Gods name may be fanóified of us; that is,That God would vouchfafe unto us his grace, that we may gi z e unto the Lord the honour due unto his name, Pfal.29.2. that as his name is moil ex- cellent, holy, glorious, and reverend, fo his prayfi may be unto the ends of the earth, Pfal.48. I i . We fané ifie the name of God,which is moil ho- ly, and reverend, and glorious, Deut. 2 8.5 R. when - as in our hearts, words, and deeds we do ufe it holi- ly and reverently. But to fpeak more efpecially , according to the fignifications of the name of God : The names of God first fignifie himfelf and his attributes, which are himfelf, which we defire in this prayer that we may fanetifie in our hearts, tongues, and lives. In our heartswe fanilifie God, as Peter exhorteth, i. Epiil. 3. i 5. when as I. we do acknowledge, and that effectually, That there is a God ;That this God is fuch an one as he hath revealed himfelf in his word, moft wife, molt jufl, moft mercifull, infinite in power, effence, and continuance , &c. 2. When in our minds we think and conceive nothing of God but that which befeemeth his glorious majeftie; -that is;when we alwayes think and conceive of God moft holily and reverently. In our mouthes5 1. When we confeffe and ac- knowledge 255