Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
How Gods name is f nUif d by us. defire hereof, but pray in hypocrifie with feigned lips. Their hypocrifie therefore here is deterred, who defiring with their mouth that they may fan - ¿ifie God,will think that there is no God, Pfal.14. s . will think bafely of him, Pfal. 50. 21. or deny his providence, mercy,and j uflice, Pfala o. i i . who ufe ro fpeak unreverently of God and his attributes, to murmure againfl his j uflice, &c. Pfal.78.19. who live as if there.were no God, Tit. Li 6. that fay he is a Spirit, but defire not to worfhip him in fpirit5 that he is juif, and yet delire not to fear him, &c. 1 I. How Gods name fagnifying his glory is hallowed by us. OEcondly, the name of God fignifieth his glory: Which we do fanCifie whenas we glorifie God in our hearts, mouthes, and lives: And this is the molt principali fignification of this petition. We glorifie him in our hearts, i. When in the affections of our hearts we defire ;he procuring and -advancement of Gods glory above all things, as be- ing more dear unto Lis then our own good. 2.When as in the purpofe of our hearts we intend the glory of God in all things, putting into, our hearts to give glory to his name, Mal.2.2. In our mouthes we glorifie him, when we make the glory of God the matter and end of our fpeech. The matter, when in our fpeech we fet forth the praifes of God, whofe name is to be exalted above all prayfe, Neh.9.5. For to pray f him is toglorifie him, Luke 2.20. Pfal. 5 0.2 3 . and to make his prayfe glori- ous, Pfal.66.2. We make it the end of our fpeech, when therein we intend the glory of God, either by S the 257
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