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258 How we hallow Gods name as it figYiifieth his glory the profeflion of a neceífary truth, Jofh.7.19. or by a fpeech feafoned with grace, tending to the dory of God, or the good and edification of our bre- thren, which is fubordinate thereunto, Col.4.6. In our lives we glorifie God, i. When in all our ations whatfoever we aim at the glory of God,ac- cording to that i.Cor. iò.3 I. 2. When by our god- ly lives we do not onely glorifie God our felves, John 15.8. but give juft occafion to others of glo- rifying him, Matth.5 . t 2. I .Per. 2.12. Yfes. r. In prayer. Wants to be bewayled. I. Our pride and vain- glory, feeking our felves and our own prayfe. 2. The neglect of Gods glo- ry, the main end of all things, which ought to be more dear to us then our falvation. Such we are that except the Lord endue us with this grace, we neglect his glory, and fo live in vain. 3.Our fup- preffing of Gods pray fe, our unthankfulnes. 4. Our idle and unfavoury fpeeches. 5. Our manifold flips in our lives whereby God is difhonoured. All which are faults incident to the belt ofus,and there- fore we had need earnetlly to pray that God may be glorified of us, 2.Satn.1 2.14. Graces which we defire. I. Zeal of Gods. glory ; 2. Thankfulnefïé 3. A defire to glorifie God by a godly life. 2. Vfes in our lives. ?fal.86.iz. As we are in prayer earnef}ly to defire that we may give glory to God , fo in our lives we muff endeavour both in our hearts, tongues, and works to glorifie him, &c. Otherwife , if in our mouthes we defire that we may glorifie him, and, in our