Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
Hots we hallow Gods name sets it fignifreth his glory. 250 our hearts neither defire it nor intend it, if we alto- gether feek our (elves and our own praife, if we ufe to fuppreffe the praifesofGod and to fmother his truth, if our ordinary fpeech be idle and unfavoury, our lives diffolute, from whence no honour can a- rife unto God, and in truth defire not to be freed from thefe finnes; nay, on the contrary, if in flead of intending Gods glory we feek his difhonour, in flead of founding forth his prayfe we blafpheme his holy name, in flead of profefsing and defending his truth we oppugne the fame, in flead of favoury fpeeches they be rotten and infe &ive, in flead of caufing the name of God to be glorified we caufe it to be blafphemed, our prayer is little better then mockery of God: And yet fuch is the prayer ofve- ry many, which with their mouthes defire that they may glorifie God, and yet defire not his glory in their hearts, nor feek it in their lives, but rather pra- dice fuch things whereby the name of God is dif- honoured and blafphemed. The glory of God is mofl dear unto him, and fo muff be to us, Alts I2. 22. His glory he will not lofe. III. The name of God fgnifying his titles, how it is hallowed. THirdly, the name of Goddoth lgnifie his titles; the titles, I fay, of the Deity, Attributes, and Perlons. This name of God is fanfified, when, as it is holy and reverend, fo it is ufed of us. It is ufed of us either by taking it into our mouthes, or by taking it upon us. We fandifie it in our mouthes, S z and
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