Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
8 Reafons moving its to the dutie of prayer. finne unrepenred of, as not being reconciled unto God , flieth from his prefence as the guilty perfon or malefaaour from the fight of the judge; fo farre is he from prefenting himfelf voluntarily before the Lord: as we fee in the examples of our firft pa- rents, Gen.3.8. in Peter before his effetuall cal - ling, who perceiving by the miraculous draught of fi fh the Divinitie of our Saviour Chrifl , defireth him to depart from him, for I ( faith he) am a fin - full man: in the Gergafines or Gadarenes, who be- ing firucken with fear at the miraculous difpoffeffing of the legion of devils, befought our Saviour to de- part out of their coafis, Matth. 8.34. Luke 8.37. It (hall be needfull therefore to ufe fome reafons and motives to move us to the performance of this dutie. I. Reafon, taken from the law of nature. CHAP. II. Keafons moving to the dutie of prayer. FIrfl therefore the law of nature teacheth all men this principle, That there is a God, and that this God is to be called upon and worfhipped. For which caufe all nations being never fo barbarous, though they know not the true God, yet by the in- ilinet of nature think themfelves bound to call up- on that which they fuppofe to be God. If therefore thofe nations which did not call upon the true God, whom indeed they did not know, are fubjea to the curfe of God, Pfal. 69.6. Jet.. io. 25. how (hall they efcape the curfe of God who knowing him do not call upon him for by their not calling upon him
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