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26 61 HOW we hallow Gods name as it fignifieth his g1 ory: and fo in our writings, when as we make an holy and reverent mention of the titles of God. Which we do when we mention them in a ferious matter, after a reverent manner, to a holy end. For the aloft holy and dreadfull name of the Lord our God Deut. 28.58. muff not be ufed to trifles and ridi- culous matters: neither may we lightly take up the moff reverend name of God,which we are not wor- thy to take into our mouthes: neither mutt the glo- rious name of God be mentioned but to his glory either mediately or immediately. And hereunto we are to referre two forts of ufurpation of Gods name and titles, by Bleffing and Swearingaright. Bleffing is either of God or man. The bleffing of God is the prayfing of God; of which we have fpoken: Example Rom. 9. 5. and r. 25. 2. Cor. z t. 3 t. Bleffing of men in the name of God, which the Scripture calleth the putting of Gods name upon them, Num. 6.2 7. is a duty to be performed by all, to all, even unto enemies, Rom.12.14. Matth.5.44 (whereunto referre falutation ) but efpecially to be performed byfuperiours, theirinferiours: in the commonwealth by Princes and Magiffrates; David, 2. Sam. 6. 18. Solomon, i. Kings 8.5 5. In the Church, Num. 6. 23, 24, 25'. Melchifedec, Gen. 14. 19. In the family by parents: unto which the Lord giveth great force, &c. By fwearing we make a holy and reverent mention of the name of God, whenas we fwear in truth, judgement , and righteoufnef e, Jer. 4.2, &c. We take upon us the name of God when his name is called upon in us, as Gen.48. i 6..i. when we call our
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