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6f the name of God fignifying his titles and word. 3 261 our felves by his name, and profeffe our felves to be the children of God, Ifai. 43. 6, 7. which began to be done in the time of Seth after the birth of Enoíh,Gen.4.26. & 6.2. In thefe laft times thofe of theChurch of God do invocate the name of Chrift, Ats 9. 14, 2 I . I. Cor. I. 2. and are called by his name, Chriflians, Acts 11.26. and are baptized into his name. Thus we fantifie the name of Chrift when as we walk worthy our calling whereby we are called, Ephef. 4. I . and aaorn the doUrine of Chrifl our Sa- viour in all things, departing from iniquity, as it is 2.Tlm. 2. 19. T/fes in prayer. 1. Graces to be defired. I. That we may ufe the titles of God reverently: a. That we may fwear by his name alone in judge- ment, truth, and righteoufneffe. 3. That we may walk worthy our calling. 2. Wants to be bewayled. I. Irreverence in ufing the titles of God. 2. Rafh fwearing. 3. Not walking worthy our calling. Yf s in our lives. As we . pray that we may fanóifie the name of God, fo muff we be carefull in our lives I. To be mindfull of God, and to mention him in matters ferious, to a good end, after a reverent manner. We mentión not our prince without fome thew of re- verence: how much more ought we to bow the knees of our hearts when we mention the glorious flame of our Gode Example,Rom .9. 5.2. To ufe blef- ling and notcurfing,Rom.I 2.14. 3.To fwear by the Lord alone in truth, judgement, and righteoufneffe. S 3 4. To
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