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26z of the name of God fignifying his titles and word, 4. To labour by all means to walk worthy our cal- ling, even as it beeometh the ftints,Ephef. s. 3. Other- wife if our pradice be (and we continue therein) ei- ther not to mention God at all, ( which the Scri- ptures call the forgetting of God, and it is a figne that God is not in their thoughts in whole mouthes he is not,feeing out of the abundance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh : or elfe by mentioning his name to pollute it; either in refpeá of the matter, mentioning it in jells and ridiculous matters; And in the name of God, o God, o Lord, Good God, lefu Lord, Mercy God, &c. or of the manner; either by careleffe, light, and un- reverent ufing of Gods name without fear or con - fcience, fenfe or regard of God: or by fuperilitious ufing of the titles, doing more reverence to the words then unto God himfelf, and flicking not to blafpheme his name by wicked fwearing;like to the fouldiers, Matth. 27. 39. Or in refped of the end; when the name of God is mentioned to wicked,yea to devilifh ends, as inchantments, &c. or by cur_ fing, which is a moll: horrible profaning of Gods name : or by wicked fwearing : or by living unwor- thy their calling; for fo they take the name of Chrifl upon them in vain, and profane it. Confidering, Luke r.73. Tit. 2. 14. 2.Tim.2.19. In vain there- fore they profelfe themfelves the Tonnes of God whileft they behave themfelves as the formes of men, Gen.6.2. or rather as the formes of the devil. And betides, they caufe the holy name of Chri(l to be blafphemed. If this, I fay, be our pra lice, and we continue therein, and yet pray that we may fan - ¿ifie the name of God, we play the hypocrites. ¡V. Holy
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