Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

of the name of God fignifying bis word. .263 I y. Hnw -'the name of God, a it fignifieth his Word, is fanclified. Ourthly, the name of God doth fignifie his word, whereby he is efpecially known. Which is fan - äified by the Minifiers, when it is purely, power- fully,and profitably taught : by the people, when it is heard with reverence, attention, good confci- ence, and purpofe ol ltomeditate thereon, 1 and are infla- med we do y with a defire of practicing it,Pfal. I 19. In our tongues, when we apply it to thofe ufes whereunto it is profitable, 2.Tim.3.16. In our lives, when we knowing it do perform it. yfes in prayer. Wants to 6e bewailed. 1. The want of preaching, where it is wanting. 2. The negleil and contempt of the word, a capi- tall finne of thefe times. 3. The little pra1icing of it where it is known, efpecially in thefe dayes, ubi feientix multum, confcienthe parum, where there is much fcience, little confcience. yfs in our lives. In our lives we are to endeavour to fanaifie the word of God : if Minifters, by dividing it aright; if people, by faxing hearing thereof, by meditating on it, by defire to do it, by applying it to its right ufes, by yielding fimple obedience unto it. Other - wife, if we defire our fl ves in fo do ing yeither profane it, and pleafe it unprofitably, or hearing it without re- verence, attention, or purpofe to praétice it: if nei- ther in our hearts we care to know nor have defire to praCtice it if we abufe it to S confirm errours, and 4