Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
264 How we f nifie Gods name confute the truth, to impenitencie, jefts, fupertliti-; on, and charms, &c. if we profane it either by ne- g1ed or contempt, Mal. i. I 2. Amos 2.7. Prov. 30. 9. Levit.2 2,3 1,32. in word we defire to fandifie it, but in deed profane and pollute it. Y. How the name of God is fine-lifted ,ts it figni fieth the Docirine of religion. FIfthly, it fignifieth the doctrine of religion and the worfhip of God. In which refped his name is faniified when as we walk in his name,Mich.4. 5. For religion is the way by which we go to heaven, Ifai.3o.2 r. and therefore in the Scriptures is often called the way. When as therefore we walk in this life fo as that our life doth anfwer to our profeffion, it is in this fenfe Paid to lignifie the name of God. As we profeffe the Chriflian religion, fo our life is anfwerable to our profeffion if denying all ungodli- neffè and worldly lufts, we live foberly,righteoqy and godly in this prefent world,Looking for that bledhope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Sa- viour efias Chrift, Tit. 2.12, t 3. Our religion is the truth in Chrift; which if we be truly taught, we muff pat off the old man, Ephef.4.2o, &c. Our religión is the light, and we profeffe our felves children of the light,and fo muff we walk, Ephef.5.8,r0,z r. In this way we muff walk in refped of God uprightly, in refped of men inattentively. Duties in prayer. Wants to be bewailed. z. Our backwardneffe in religion ; 2. Our hy- pocrifie ; 3. Our fcandalous converfation. Duties
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