Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

its itfigni fieth the doérine of religion. 265 Duties in our lives. In our lives we are to defire and to endeavour that we may adorn the profeffion of religion by renoun- cing all ungodlineffe, &c. to fet God before our eyes, that we may walk uprightly as in his fight; to ,calk inofenfively, Heb. 12. 13. Otherwife, if we profeffe religion, and renounce not our finnes, nor put off the old man; if we call our felves the chil- dren of the light, and yet walk in darkneffe ; we profane the name of God and his religion. And this is done, I. In refpe& of God by hypocrifie,2.Tim. 3.5. when as the profefïìon of religion is pretended to worldly or wicked refpeás. 2. In refpe& of men by the profane and diffolute life of common Chri- ílians, and by the falls and fcandals of them that would feem the heft profeffours. If we continue in this courfe and pleafe our felves therein, we cannot make this prayer in truth, &;c. vi. How the name of God fagnifying his works is hallowed. S Ixthly, the name of God fignifieth his Works whereby he is known, and that both of' creation and adminiftration. The creatures are fanaified, Works of Firft, by an holy and religious meditation and men- Creation. tioning of them, i. To the glòry of God, acknow- ledging in them the wifdome, juflice, power, and goodneffe of God, glorifying him, being knownin his works,a God, Rom. ä.2I,22. 2. To our good,when we imitate and flie fuck things in them as the holy Gho bath appointed. Secondly, by a holy and fan&ified ufe. The creature is fantified by the word andprayer, i.Tim.4.5. Col. 3.17. Duties