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265 t 'How 2+e fannifre Gods name as it fignifeth his works. Duties in prayer. Mints to be bewailed. T. rr cp 7às xapol'as that is, the hardne(7e andfenf_ lefnef of our hearts,in not Peeing and acknowledging the goodneffe, wifdome, and power of God in his creatures, Mark 6.5 2. 2. Our jefling at force of his works; as at the form or countenance of force man, &c. 3. Our fuffering of the brute creatures to go beyond us : as the crane and (wallow, in knowing their times and feafons;the ant,in diligence;the trees and plants, in bringing forth fruir. 4. Our irreligi- ous ufe of the creatures, or abufing them to be the inífruments of finne. Duties in our lives. t. Holy meditation and mentioning ofthe works of God to his glory and our fpirituall good. To his glory : for fo muff we meditate and (peak of the creatures as that the wifdome, goodneffe, and pow- er of God fhining in them be acknowledged; that we knowing him by his works may glorifie him as God. To our good;by meditating in fuch things as are to be followed or efchewed in them. 2. The pure and holy ufe of the creature fantified by the word and prayer, &c. Otherwife, if we knowing God by his works, (hall not glorifie him, Rom. r. 2 I. if we (hall play the Monies in detracting from the works of God or mocking the fame; if we (hall abufe his creatures to fuperfitious, wicked, and profane ufes, and pleafe our felves in fo doing, we are to take heed left in making this prayer we be found mockers of God. Works of Now follow the works of adminifiration:which Adminiftra- are his bleffings or judgements towards our (elves fion. or