Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

HOW eve pnaifie Gods nitmetisit figni freth his works. 267 or others. His bleílings on our felves are fanaified, 1. in our hearts , when we are truly thankfull for them : 2. in our tongues, when we give thanks, Pfal. 124. 6. and Aar forth his benefits , Pfal. 66. 16. and 71.8,18. 3. in our deeds, when we referre the good things received to his glory and the good of others, and when by them we are brought to repen- tance, Rom.2.4. The bleffings of God on others are fan %ified, when werejoyce with them,'.Cor. t 2.26. andglorifae Godin them, Pfal.35.27. Gal.z. 24. The judgements of God on our felves are fanói- fied, when they have the like efffe& in us that they had in Job; that is, Firfi, when we are humbled un- der the hand of God, and brought to repentance, Job 1.20. and 42.6. Secondly, when we bear them patiently,Job 1.21. Thirdly, when we bleffe God in them and for them, v.21. The judgements of God on others are fanUified, when by confederation thereof we fear to finne, when we íhew forth the juifice of God in the pu- nithment of the wicked, Pfal. 58. 1 1,12. when we condole with the juif. Wants to be lamented. Firíl , unthankfulneffe : in that neither in our hearts we have the chearfull fenfe of Gods good- neffe in his benefits, nor in our tongues return praife to him, nor in our deeds bring forth the fruits, nor yet by them are brought to repentance. Secondly, our not acknowledging Gods graces in others, or depraving or le1i ring them, or envying their good. Thirdly, our fenfelefnetfe in affliCtion, Jer. 5.3 Fou thly,