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-268 How God himfeelf f naiBeth his ndrne. Fourthly, impatience, Ifai.2 2.12 13. Fifth! Da .5.zz. muring. Sixthly, not to be terrified by the e am- ple of others, but rather pleating our felves, Luke 13. r. Seventhly, not condoling but rather rejoy- cing in other mens evils; as, laughing at fools. Duties in our lives. To be thankful! to God for his benefits ; To expreffe our thankfulne(fe, by thankfgiving, by referring them to the glory of God. , by repentance ; To rejoyce with others ; To glori-- fie God in them; To make right ufe of his cha- fiifements on our felves and others. Other - wife, if we (hall be proud of thofe good things which we have, as though we had not received them, not giving God theglory, nor referring them to his glory and the good of others,but contrariwife abufing them to the difhonour of God and the hurt of others, as many do their learning, wit, riches, firength, &c. If we fhall deprave Gods mercies in others, or envie them; If in the judgements of God upon our felves we (hall harden our hearts with Pharaoh ; If we (hall impatiently bear them, and murmure again{I the feverity of God ; If with Bel- tefhazzar we (hall not be moved with the example of others, Dan. 5.22. If we (hall make a fportof other mens calamities; we are farre from that deliire of fandifying Gods name which in this prayer we pretend. Secondly, in thefe words we pray that the Lord ® would fanhifie his name. The which petition we are the rather to make, becaufe his glory is fo little regarded amongíl men. And in this fenfe our prayer is